Saturday, May 24, 2014

Gluten Free Zucchini & Tomato Muffin (UPDATED)

Hey everyone!

We got a new Gluten Free muffin recipe. This time, this one is leaning towards the savory side. It took a second try to finally get the spices right, but I am content with the end result. I have to admit that I don't really make savory things. That's more of my partners expertise, that's why it took me a little longer to feel comfortable with it and feel confident enough to share it.

I hope everyone enjoys it.

Zucchini & Tomato Gluten Free Muffin      
 Yields: About 14 muffins   Temp: 350 degree F

- 1/2 Cup Vegetable Oil
- 8 oz of sour cream/ plain Greek yogurt (UPDATED)
- 2 Eggs
- 2 Cups rice flour
- 1 Cup Zucchini, shredded
- 1/2 Cup tomato, seeded, small dice (UPDATED)
- 2 tsp baking soda
- 3 Tbsp tomato paste (UPDATED)
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 2 tsp lemon pepper
- 2 tsp garlic powder
- 2 tsp onion powder
- 1 Juice of one whole lemon (UPDATED)

1. Preheat oven.
2. Prepare muffin pan with liners and spray the liner with cooking spray to avoid sticking.
3. Combine all your dries together.
4. Combine all your wets together.
5. Combine the wets into dry, and beat until smooth.
6. Add your zucchini and tomatoes and combine until well incorporated.
7. Scoop batter into muffin tin and bake for 20 minutes or until tooth pick comes out clean.

Pares well with soups, chowders, and its a great vessel for soft cheeses.
Now, we actually had these this morning, toasted and with Chipotle cream cheese smeared on it. It was very yummy!

Thank you for reading. Don't forget to comment and share.

Also! If you changed anything about the recipe or have any suggestions please share with us. We love to hear feedback.

Buen Probecho!

UPDATE: This recipe will yield moister, and tastier muffins, less grainier texture.  Perfect for any time of the day or use as a side for a savory dish.

veggies and tomato paste

Dry ingredients added

what the batter should like like when the wets are added

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